

Sunday, December 11, 2022


According to Sumerian records, there existed a certain group of living beings known as the Anunnakis. The appearance and form of these beings closely resembled that of humans; however, in the Summerian annuls, words used to describe these beings are translated as 'dragons' and 'giant serpents'. Were the ancients hinting that these beings were actually reptilians? But how was it possible that they could take on human forms?

Ancient wall carvings depict these beings as having the ability to change their forms in different periods of time. In other words, these Anunnakis can appear in various guises and have wings like those of angels. Because of this, the ancient people regarded the existence of these humanoids with awe and worshipped them as deities and gods.

The Meso-American 'winged serpent', found on wall images, also exhibited half-human half-snake appearances. It is no wonder that the Mayans regarded these supernatural beings as divine. Archeological excavation sites in Iraq had uncovered many ancient religious relics that are rather grotesque—stone figurines with human bodies but heads of either a serpent or a lizard.

In India, predating Buddhism, the Hindus worshipped a kind of dragon-like deity that looked more like a serpent. According to local folklore, these beings could take on human form, whether fully or half-bodied.

Looking back at history, whether it's Meso-America, Asia, Egypt or Sumerian, undeniably there are creatures or beings found in these ancient civilizations which exhibited common and similar traits:

1. They have reptilian appearances like those of a dragon or a serpent.
2. They have feathered wings like those of an angel.
3. They have the ability to change form, which invariably caused humans to worship them.

These creatures must have existed in the world long before humans came onto the scene. Somehow, they incurred God's wrath and were relegated as serpents, the chief of whom appeared in the garden of Eden. The origin of the story must of necessity be traced to the book of Genesis.

Incidentally, John the Baptist and Jesus described the religious leaders as serpents and generation of vipers (Matthew 3:7; Matthew 23:33), and that they were children of the devil (John 8:44). These are strong words indeed!

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