Now, if every person has his or her own consciousness, then it would seem logical to infer that the whole universe must also possess a consciousness of its own as well.
Romans 8:22
For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now.
It would be more correct to say that this world is the aggregate of the collective consciousnesses of every living thing, visible and invisible. Without this consciousness we cannot appreciate the extent of space nor the flow of time that we exist in. We can say it is consciousness which lends meaning to our existence in this world, of which time and space are the expressions of this meaning in our individual experiences.
Again, in quantum physics: The first dimension is a straight line, the second a plane, the third a solid, and the fourth dimension is the third plus time. What then is the fifth dimension? Are you ready for the answer? It is consciousness.
Referencing Einstein's equation: E = mc2, since the soul is a form of energy entity, then it can be equated to consciousness, the fifth dimension which exists in space and time, the fourth.
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