

Tuesday, November 1, 2022


The mere mention of a laboratory usually conjure up images of a facility that provides controlled conditions to study or conduct scientific research, experiments, and measurement. Few realize that the human mind itself is also a virtual laboratory in which ideas are conceived, concepts are formulated and assumptions are ascertained to determine their validity on a constant basis, whether consciously during our waking moments or otherwise subconsciously in our dreams.

Our thoughts are under constant bombardment from the time we open our eyes by the things we see and hear, both in nature and in our interaction with human inventions and agencies—whether neutral or biased. The steady flux of information and disinformation will continue to change and reshape whatever worldview we may have built up over the course of our lives through upbringing or education, from the time we become self-conscious of our existence to its perceived purposes.

Life used to be much simpler and straightforward where black and white are clearly distinct and marked out for us. Or so we thought. The rapid progression of our modern civilization has blurred the lines between what is true and not, right and wrong, and even real and artificial. 'Science is stranger than fiction' has become a byword for our generation, and possibly the last to witness its demise and destruction, if the current technological direction and trend humanity is moving towards is anything but good to go by or surmise.

Despite over 200 years of evolutionistic indoctrination, human by nature—pun intended—is still very much a spirit being with spiritual needs. So even in this age of enlightenment which man claimed to have conquered outer space and developed the most advanced civilization in history, more than two-thirds of the world's people are still engaged in some form of deity worship or primitive beliefs. That there are adherents of UFOlogy and those who believe in alien gods or extraterrestrial beings should also come as no surprise to us in this scientific age.

The proliferation of such information online and in mainstream media has not only created greater awareness and interests in these previously unchartered waters, but also put Christianity under duress to come up with reasonable answers to questions posed by critics and advocates alike on the validity of its tenets of faith and Scripture. The call for relevancy certainly requires an apt but acute response:

Daniel 12:4
But you, Daniel, shut up these words and seal the book until the time of the end. Many shall traverse far and wide and knowledge shall increase.

We are in 'the time of the end' spoken of by the angel with the advent of the internet and international travel. Many are going farther distances and furthering their knowledge of the world they live in. Perhaps it's time Christians take a closer look at familiar scripture passages—it may be that God will remove the scales from our eyes to see the shocking truths which has been hidden all along in plain sight—because our own prejudices and preconceived notions could have thus blinded us.


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