

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Mythological Reality

Most people take for granted things that are considered 'normal' in this world to be what they have grown up with or been taught in school. Whatever falls outside of their perceived knowledge and experiences are relegated as either superstitions, myths or legends.

The advent of computer-generated imagery (CGI) has brought many ancient mythological characters and futuristic sci-fi alien creatures to life on the big screen, entertaining movie-goers and TV viewers with an endless array of extrasensory experience. Of course, the average person relegates these animated beings— heroes or villains—to the realm of imagination and fantasy, not the daily grind of normal life.

But just because we don't see them as a daily occurrence in our lives doesn't mean these things, spiritual or supernatural, don’t exist or are not real. Those who unfortunately did encounter and related their stories of these surreal experiences were either considered deranged, weird or else under the influence of drugs or hallucination.

Yet ancient civilizations and cultures are replete with artifacts, many etched in stones, that defy the logic of learned men and sane intellectuals. Examples include the Sumerians, Egyptians, Aztecs, Mayans, Greeks, and even the Chinese, etc. At first sight such pictorial records discovered in cuneiforms, monuments and stelae preserved through the ages, were deemed extensions and exaggerations of these primitive people's beliefs. However, a shift in paradigm is silently and steadily taking place…


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